Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Night Lights Ain’t What They Used To Be. . .

I've always considered fall Friday nights almost sacred.  What it was (is?) is Friday Night Lights.  High school football. 

Never really been crazy about professional teams.  The only exception being the Super Bowl  where everyone brings their favorite snacky food, lots visiting goes on while the teams play and then we all race to the TV to see the commercials.  But according to other folks I've talked to - they do the same.  The guys in the group will watch more of the game.  But mostly it's about family.  My story & I'm sticking to it.

College ball doesn't do much for me either - except for either Texas vs. A&M or Texas vs. Oklahoma. 

But high school ball?  Just love it.  And I don't know why.  I can't tell you what's going on except when someone gets the ball and runs like crazy for an end zone.  I couldn't explain a hail Mary if I had to.  Tight end?  Okay.  If you say so. 

So far we've gone to one game - South Grand Prairie High School.  But it's not about the game now.  It's about my Gson Eric.  He's in the marching band and plays the euphonium.  (I never even knew those existed until he started playing in middle school.)  And we're going again to night.

And let's just say I don't do anything that I'm passionate about half-assed.  I've got my sparkly SGPHS Band Mimi t-shirt all ready to go.  Jim has padded stadium seats for us.  I've got my water & snacks ready to pack. 

But we don't all watch the game.  I have more fun watching Eric in the band, watching him visit with his classmates and following his band leader, than the action on the field.  These kids have worked long and hard.  I never realized how difficult it must be to march, follow the director, read music and play an instrument all at the same time.  Talk about multi-tasking!

So now we're band fans.  But that's okay.  We can live with that.

And tonight we're going to a band concert disguised as a football game. 

Go - team!  But band?  You really know how to rock the joint!!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Eric was in the band! (I didn't know he was in high school! How is that possible?!!) That is pretty dang cool! Speaking as quite the music geek myself, I can definitely say that the games wouldn't be half what they are w/out the band! :)
