Thursday, December 6, 2012

We're safe! For now at least . . .

We are being invaded by bunny wabbits! 

There are four or five of them that visit our little corner of the world on a daily basis.  They don’t belong to anybody on our street.  Their owners live a street over from us.  But the rabbits have figured out how to get out of their backyard, go through the yard behind their house and then over to our street where they have the run of the a two block area. Literally.

Neighbors put out fresh water for them.  Some have put out treats for them, too.  We all look after them.  And folks slow down to make sure that they don’t accidentally run over them.

Our safety is a main concern at this time so you’ll be glad to know that our cats Mister and Cleo are keeping us safe from this hoard of hares. 

Well, actually Cleo just ignores them.  If they’re not applicants for members of her staff then forget them.  They probably wouldn’t sit still long enough for them to do her any good. 

They don’t have opposable thumbs – so their getting food for her is out of the question. 

They can’t get to the tap to pour her fresh non-dog flavored water (she “shares” the water in the water bowl with the dogs only if she must).  And I bet they won’t figure out that they really need to go to the bathtub and fill her “special” cup for her and for her only.

They won’t lay still long enough for her to lay on them so that she can bathe herself (don’t ask). 

And I doubt if she’s up to playing a game of tag – that would only mess up her fur.  So – choke ‘em.  There’s a reason for the phrase “dumb bunny.” 

Mister looks at the rabbits with distaste as they hop around the yard.  We’ve watched him watching them.  His poor little mind just can’t figure out what those things are.  I swear he wrinkles his brow in concentration.  If they get close he gets this “deer caught in the headlight/panic” look on his face.  “Oh, no.  It’s going to eat me.  Get it away.  GET IT AWAY!!!”

It’s good to know now that we will never be able to rely on Mister to save us from anything. Advance warning is always a good thing.

Protect us from Invading aliens?  Nope. 

Zombies.  Are you kidding?  They’re dead people w/ flesh falling off of them.  And they smell funny. 

Ice cream men?  He runs the other way when he hears their carts coming at us. 

Small children going door to door trying to raise money for a school fund-raiser?  Well, maybe them because they’ll pet him.  They won’t get him food.  But if they shower him with adoration and affection – then they are (for that moment) a means to an end.

This cat has quite the following in the ‘hood.  He is gorgeous.  And he is huge. The mailman stops to pet him. Small children drag their grandparents behind them as they run up to lavish love on him.  These folks just fawn all over him.  And Mister takes it all in stride.  He puts on quite the show for his adoring audience.  Sheesh.  What a ham.

So – we can’t depend on him for any kind of security (I guess we need to take down the sign that says “Beware of attack cat”).  But we can still rely on him to be part of our 72 hour kit.  One bite at a time.

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