Friday, September 6, 2013

Is it time yet?

SO ready for summer to be over. I'm already excited about the change in weather and it can't get here soon enough. Of course, those cooler temps will be followed by colder/wetter temps - and that will start my "So ready for winter to be over" complaints. You just can't make this girl happy, I guess.

If only the fall would last longer than 15 minutes. Same thing with spring. Just when I get used to sweaters, falling leaves, pumpkins, turning off the AC & not needing to turn the heat on "just yet" - suddenly - there it is. Winter.

Trying to dig out coats, gloves, hats, long johns, extra blankets, etc. I actually have to wear shoes when it turns cold. Well, at least out in public. For some reason flip flops are not a good idea when it's really breezy!

If summer makes me complain about a certain level of discomfort then I'm absolutely terrible when it gets really cold - and WET - right around February. Makes me shiver just thinking about it!

But for now I'll be happy to window shop all the cool seasonal crafts, avoid the candles that smell like a fireplace, put off baking cookies, forget about putting bales of hay on the front porch, keep my hands to myself when I spot a cute anything made out of courdaroy, and put off buying any Halloween candy.

I can wait.


(Insert drumming of fingers here. Repeatedly.)

Is it time yet?

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