Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 27, 2012

I'll be happy when our office moves this weekend!

Our office moves on Friday. FINALLY – after 8 months of planning and prep. Then I have to go in on Sunday afternoon to unpack my office. Then be at work @ 7:00 on Monday to participate in the meet & greet committee. This will my favorite assignment of this whole process. I get to tell people where to go. Literally. No fear though. I’ll be nice.

DH had applied for a position w/ the fire department months ago. He’s been waiting for a call to interview. He found out yesterday that the interview process started last week but he didn’t get a call. He’s depressed. He’s grateful for his job but he wants/needs/deserves something with a bit more “meat” on it. He loves a challenge - which is a problem in his current position. Those are few & far between. But everyone please keep praying for him. Hopefully they will call him. There were a lot of applicants so it may take some time for them to schedule everyone. Thinking positive here!

Bluebonnet pictures will be taken this weekend of the Texas branch of the Bratton clan. The boys & the Fiancée out in CA are on their own. I’ve tried to convince them to fly out for the weekend but no takers.

I’m thinking about flying out there at the end of May. Oldest+1 are travelling to Tempe to check out the area, look for apartments, etc. When I approached them with the idea they werw all in favor. Someone has to cat sit. Might as well be me!

They’re moving there in July for him to attend Arizona State. DH is thrilled that it’s “only a 10 hour drive”. No thank you. Flying suits me just fine. I don’t have the patience for a drive through West Texas. Can you say “flat”?

Feeling older today. My 2nd Gson turns 14 today. He gets to go to his 1st stake dance next month. I asked if I could chaperone but Older tried to discourage me by telling me that I could not chaperone one person. Oh, why not? I promised to sit in my corner and keep quiet and would be discreet when taking pictures. She still said no. She can be such a kill joy at times.

Then my 1st Gdaughter turns 13 in June. Gad. I'll be the Mimi to 2 teenagers. But then I get another teenager in August. Woe is me. They're getting older. But then so am I.

I love being a Gparent. Actually I'm better that a grandmother. I'm The Mimi. Much more fun and much better than being a grandmother. I get to spoil 'em rotten. Teach them songs that make their mothers cringe. We get to go on adventures (which aren't as many as they used to be as their social calendars fill up rather quickly with un-grandparently type of things.). And when I've got them all riled up and feisty - back home they go.

I think one of the reasons that I get along so well with all of them is that I'm child-like at times. Not childish (though my Older would disagree). I still find such delight in the world. I try hard to be positive. I see things in the world with child-like wonder and awe. I hope I never lose that.

I remember a quote from when my kids were little - I brought them into this world. I might as well let them show it to me.

Kids see the world with wonder and awe. I am learning a lot from them. And hope to for the rest of my life.

Our kids were lucky. We had their Meemaw (DH's mother) in their lives till Oldest was in his early 20's. They loved her. She doted on them. It was a treat for them to have her in their lives. And it was good for her, too. I want to have the same type of presence in my Gkids lives. And hopefully I'll be around the be The Great Mimi when the time comes.

If you haven't done so lately, call your parent or grandparent ane tell them that you love them. Are grateful for them. And do the same for your kids and Gkids.

Smooches and squishes to everybody!

Now - go take on the day!


  1. Don't forget me! This Gkid is turning 16 this year! :D

  2. I'm SO blessed to have you as my favorite soon to be 16 year old Gdaughter!
