Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012

Spring is STILL busting out all over.

Time for our annual everyone run for cover party AKA tornado season. I know - it's not funny if someone gets hurt or property is destroyed. I just happened to be at work when sirens started going off outside. Received a call from DH because he'd been told to get himself hence out of the weather. His response, "Yes, dear." Trained well.

As soon as the announcement was made by building managerment I started rounding up my team members and scurried everyone to the hall. And waited. And waited. Until the all clear was broadcasted and everyone back to work. So to speak. Talk about a great water cooler moment! Oh - the stories they will have to tell to their Gkids.

Coworkers started hitting the internet, pulling up videos of damage done throughout the Metroplex. Arlington has especially been hard hit. The mayor even called for a state of emergency for that not-so-fair-at-the-moment city. For those of you that spend time there doing fun stuff- the Ballpark, Cowboy Stadium & Six Flags were all spared. Yay. But even more important I'm hoping that no one was hurt and the damage is as minimal as possible (does that even make sense considering it was a huge tornado that flew through?)

We get to live under this rite of spring until at least the 2nd week in May (I give it an extra week because Ft. Worth's big party May Fest on the 1st weekend seems to almost always have bad weather attached to it. So I'm covering my timeline base.).

Since it's spring - we can win the trifecta. Tornadoes + hail + frog stranglin' rain = floods and lots of visits from insurance adjusters.

Everyone in my family fared just fine. At least as far as I can tell. Hope the same goes for you and yours.

Welcome to Texas, y'all!


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