Monday, April 16, 2012

Sitting in Time Out With 2,000 Other Women

What a treat. My kids would never think that about being in time out when they were kids. But this was time out on the female adult level. Totally different experience! And we didn’t have to be naughty to get there! Speaking only for myself, of course.

Time Out for Women is an event sponsored by Deseret Books. Great speakers and musical groups share talks, thoughts, and talents to a large group of mostly Mormon women that pay for the privilege of sitting in a room for most of the weekend in uncomfortable chairs and no snacks (unless you count the chocolate truffles that are sold by the book store). But SOOOO worth it!

How to describe this? Hmmm. Think the Women’s Session of General Conference with applause and raucous laughter. Yup. That pretty much sums it up.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t incredible spiritual moments (there are LOTS of those). The sister that wrote President Monson’s biography had some of the most tender stories. Of course they would be. He’s the Prophet for Heaven and our sakes!

Or that there wasn’t music that uplifted and brought me to tears (there was plenty of that). Tears of laughter (let’s just say that I’ll never hear “Bye Bye Baby Bye” without a huge grin on my face). And heartache. (“Bring Him Home” from Les Miz. I think I raised the humidity factor in the room by at least 10%. But I wasn't the only one.)

But I’ll never get to SLC for Conference. So this is probably the next best thing.

The theme was “Seek the Good” and the scriptural reference is Colossians 3:23, “And whatsoever ye do, do it HEARTILY”. Amen, sisters! I can do that!

Got to spend time with my daughters. They reconnected with friends from their childhood. Watching all of them mix and mingle was a marvel. Looks like they hadn’t skipped a beat in all those years apart. I visited with friends that have moved away. Met one of “my” Young Women (served in the YW presidency when she was a teenager) – and now she’s pregnant with baby #4! Made new friends. Kept the old. Some are silver. Some are gold. And all are priceless!

A great time was had by all. And even thinking of going down to a session in Houston in September. Yes, I like it THAT much! There will be different presenters and musicians there. That’s fine. The more talent the merrier.

Off to seek good for the day.

There is goodness all around!

Go find yourself some!

1 comment:

  1. It was amazing, wasn't it. So glad to have seen you and yours there, and to be there with my two eldest. Michelle F. married into the C. family! People from the time we lived w/Nita and her tribe. So seriously cool. And, yes, the music.
