Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012

Where has all my music gone? Long time passing?

No. I just forgot my cell phone. For the second day in a row. Oh, woe is me.

Not just because I can't check FB. Not because I can't take a mindless break and line up a couple of jewels in my quest to get the highest score ever (I'm currently at 6M+ points). And not because I can't post, text or check my VM.

No music, people!!!

Remember when I said I love technology when it works? Well, I need this particular technology TO work.

Yes, I have a laptop at work, which has turned out to be a big mistake. Now I'm expected to actually take it into meetings and take notes on the thing. Never happened when I had a regular ol' PC. This is what happens when I make a stink and whine, "But I want a laptop, too!" Yet more proof of be careful what you wish for.

I have all these bells, whistles and geegaws at work & home. Can barely use most of them. Not that I don't like them. I just can't figure how to get them all to work the way I want them to. I'm still holding out for the perfect machine - it will read my mind, phrase things perfectly, automatically correct my misspellings and dangling participles, etc. Paying bills on time, taking out the trash & emptying the catbox would also be nice features, too.

Now - back to the music portion of our program.

My main use for my phone, at least at work, is being able to listen to Pandora, KERA or my Christian radio station. It's my "white noise" at work. Plus I get to hum a bit whenever the mood strikes me. Folks at work think I'm strange anyway so this doesn't surprise or scare them.

Right now I have a song stuck in my head. Not a bad song - something by MoTab (could be worse but I won't go there because something else not nearly as nice will probably pop into its place. Oh, darn. Too late. There it is - Don't cry for me . . . ). But I just like what I like while I'm at work.

Our server won't allow us to listen to anything on line. Which is fine because I know how to use my phone for that particular function. WHEN I have it with me.

I just want to the record to show that at times I don't really care of the sounds of silence.

And now is one of those times.

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