Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Name That Tune

Music has played such an important part in my life. Gifts from my mother, who was a talented musician playing the piano, organ and violin. And she could carry a tune quite nicely.

I took piano lessons. Taught myself to play the recorder, organ, and ukelele. Learned to play the glockenspiel in Jr. high. Was in choir from 8th grade on. Sang in duets w/ Older. Sang in choirs at church. Sang to babies and Gbabies lullabies, silly songs, and folk songs.

Nowadays I only sing w/ the radio or the hymns in church. I no longer have the pipes that I once had. A sorry side effect of too many years suffering from GERD and other maladies.

I’m currently enthralled with a show on BYU TV called “The Song That Changed My Life.” They recently showcased Alex Boyé (from the MoTab Choir) and Lea Salonga (from Les Miz fame & other productions). They’ve featured artists that are not so well known but no less talented. But last night was a group that really grabbed me – The Lower Lights.

Three years ago a mishmash of guitarists, fiddle players, drummers, horns, tubas, and several different vocal styles got together to share talents & ideas. They’ve cut an album that features hymns in the style that might have been sung by the Pioneers. Soul felt. Full of praise. Often filled with sorrow and a hunger for home. The songs include both LDS hymns + some standards. All sing-alongable since they seem to be in my current limited vocal range.

But what song in my life has impacted me the most? Changed my life? Too many to name. And depending where/when I was. Before marriage – anything by Judy Collins. DH introduced me to CSN&Y (if I have to ‘splain that one to you – so sad). He could gauge what kind of mood I was in at the end of a long day by what was blaring through the house. Judy? Depressed. CSN&Y? Much better mood. Of course, there’s the Beatles, Beach Boys, and girl groups. Les Miz. Phantom. Wicked. And my tastes have changed. And grown.

But which song?

Well, for now it’s a gorgeous song based on a poem by Robert Frost called “The Pasture”, sung by the men of MoTab. This song is beautiful and takes my breath away. There’s one particular phrase that sums up my life at this point w/ DH. “I shan’t be gone long – you come too.” An invitation to participate in the most mundane of chores and/or trips around town.

Too many times I’ve turned DH down. I have to change that. He’s my best friend. My eternal companion. My rock. My target for barbed humor (but that’s okay because he gives every bit as good as he gets).

Same with invites from kids, Gkids and friends. I need to go with them when invited. And invite them all for more opportunities to “go, too”.

Music was created to ease hearts, heal wounds, make you laugh, better appreciate your blessings, and move your feet.

So for today, sing a song. Sing it loud. Sing it long.

All together now!!!

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