Thursday, May 10, 2012

An Invitation You Can't Refuse

It's too pretty to stay inside today.  But stay I must.  I do have a household to help support.  Bills, repairs, animals demanding to be fed, laundry to fold, & floors to sweep can just quiet themselves down.  For a while, at least.

The weather is beautiful.  Sunny skies and cooler temps this weekend.  With a chance of much needed rain.  As long as the tornados stay away, I'm fine with that. 

But for today I want to dig my bare toesies in a cool sand box.  I want to slide down a slide and scream my head off.  I want to pump myself in a swing until I can almost touch the clouds - reciting "How'd you like to go up in a swing, up in the air so blue?  Oh I do think 'tis the pleasantest thing ever a child can do." 

I want to play hide & go seek with like minded individuals - even if they are under 4' tall.  I want a snow cone (candy apple w/ cream, please).  I want to make a wish on a dandelion.  Jacks on the warm sidewalk.  And a game of hop scotch to finish it off.

I know my limitations.  I can no longer jump out of the swing to see how far away I'd land.  Jump rope is out of the question.  I can't tag anybody because everyone runs faster than I do.  And if we went to the pool I wouldn't dare put myself in a position where everyone could yell, "Chicken on the high board."

Can you come out & play today?

Meet you at the swing set!

1 comment:

  1. It *was* that kind of day, wasn't it? I like the Bullwinkle version of that poem best, myself.
