Thursday, May 3, 2012

Everybody Out of the (Gene) Pool!!!

Older has been in a car wreck.  Thankfully the car took the brunt of the damage.  Today she's sore, achy, banged up, swollen, in pain, bruised - and on the most excellent drugs.  According to one of her posts that she usually is the Grumpy dwarf.  Today she's playing the part of Dopey.  My take on it is that if anything wild/wierd comes flying out of her mouth she can blame it on the drugs. Whoopeee!

When she went to the ER they did all the screenings, tests, etc. to make sure that she hadn't been hurt.  Thankfully - just mangled, folded but not mutilated.  But they did find something they hadn't expected - a lump on her thyroid.  Which has me curious.

When I was 19 a surgeon discovered a lump on my thyroid when I undergoing a tonsillectomy.  So 3 weeks after my tonsillectomy they did a thyroidectomy.  Made for an interesting “What I Did Over the Summer” report.  That is if I had had one since I was a sophomore in college when this happened.  Today I don’t think the treatment would be as drastic.  Perhaps a biopsy instead of the surgery.  But the procedure did leave a lovely scar – and a real ice breaker at parties.

So I was on thyroid meds for a while until the other half of the thyroid kicked in and took over full function.  So far so good.  Until I had to go in for some sort of scan (MRI?  CAT scan? X-rays?) and found a lump on the other thyroid.  Had a biopsy and all was good.  But they’re going to be watching it. 

I guess I need to talk to my doc to find out if my thyroid levels are where they should be.  It would be lovely (ahem!) if they were slightly off which would explain my weight gain (even though I know it’s really my feeding my face at a frenzied pace some days). 

Maybe I do need to sit down and give her notes to share w/ her doc on my history.  You never know.

My poor kids got the best of DH (common sense, level heads, flat butts).  Me?  Not so much.

Here’s what I contributed to the mix:

1.     Freckles
2.    ADD / ADHD
3.    Congenitally dislocated hips (when 2 were born their hip joints weren’t in all the right places with bright shiny faces, so one ended up in triple diapers and the other in a hip brace. We got so used to carrying them around in those getups that we almost dropped them the 1st few times they went without.  Ouch!).
4.  And the very best and most fun of all - blood thining factors (to be honest - this is on both sides of the family so I don't get to take all the credit for this)
5.  Congestive heart disease

Doesn’t quite seem to be a fair trade.  Although in my not so honest opinion freckles should trump them all but the doctors will argue. But what do they know?

Okay.  Health report is over for the day.

So grateful for her safety.  If she'd been driving a smaller car she would have been really really hurt.  And I would have been very VERY unhappy about that.

Healthy, happy kids make this mommy very happy.  And grateful.

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